Donations Needed for Cooling Kits For Unhoused Persons
GREENFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – The Three County Continuum of Care is looking for donations of items for their Emergency Summer Cooling Kits.
The kits will be given to unhoused persons in their service areas of Franklin, Hampshire, and Berkshire counties. Items needed include toiletries, summer clothing, bug spray, first aid products, backpacks, umbrellas, and bottled water.
Below are the dates and locations where items will be collected:
- Greenfield Public Library, 412 Main Street Greenfield between 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday, July 26th
- Forbes Library (20 West Street, Northampton) and Community Action Pioneer Valley
(393 Main Street, Greenfield) during open hours through Friday, August 2nd
A wish list of items can be found here. More information about the Three County Continuum of Care and the work they do is at their website.