Support your community. Join us!
Volunteer With Us
What we do:
RSVP is the easy and effective way to give back to your community. Whatever your background, skills, and interests, RSVP will match you with a rewarding volunteer opportunity.
Who we serve:
People 55+ living in Hampden, Hampshire, and Franklin Counties.
How we help:
RSVP staff work with you one-on-one to ensure that you find your perfect match. One-time, short-term, and on-going volunteer opportunities are available to fit every schedule.
How do I get started?
Call or email us using the contact information on the right side of this page. An RSVP staff member will get to know you and how you want to help, suggest some possible volunteer opportunities, and walk you through getting started. We’ll be with you every step of the way.
What type of volunteer positions are available?
RSVP works with dozens of organizations around the valley who need your support. Volunteers serve at food pantries, senior centers, hospitals, as Healthy Bones & Balance exercise leaders, and more. Have a passion? We can help you share it.
What is Healthy Bones & Balance?
The RSVP Healthy Bones & Balance Program (HBB) is designed to increase participant’s strength, mobility, flexibility, and balance. Weekly classes are led by trained RSVP volunteers at more than two dozen convenient locations throughout the Pioneer Valley. HBB classes are a free, fun, way to exercise and socialize. View the HBB class schedule to your right to find a class near you!
Forms, Documents & Downloads
Partner With Us
What we do:
RSVP works with a variety of organizations on both a formal and informal basis. In addition to our official partner organizations, we assist dozens of organizations each year by publicizing opportunities, recruiting volunteers for one-time and short-term projects, and providing volunteer management support.
Who we serve:
Nonprofit organizations serving Hampden, Hampshire, and Franklin Counties.
How we help:
RSVP staff work closely with our site partners to recruit and place volunteers. Our goal is for volunteers and program staff to have a positive and fulfilling experience working together.
We’re also available to provide ongoing support to volunteer managers. If you have a question, no matter how big or small, our staff is happy to help you find the answers!
How do I get started?
Contact RSVP for more information about how our staff can support your organization. We’ll schedule an initial conversation to learn about your program and discuss ways we can help.
To publish a volunteer opportunity or event in our monthly newsletter, email Ginger Elliott. Submissions received by the 23rd of the month will be included in the next month’s newsletter.
Report My Hours
How do I report my hours?
Report your hours directly to your volunteer site. Sites then submit volunteer hours each month to the RSVP database at the link below.
If you need help reporting your hours and/or mileage, Sandra Monegon can help you. Her contact information is available on the right side of this page (if you are on a computer) or further down the page (if you are on a phone.)
Why do I need to report my hours?
RSVP is a federally funded AmeriCorps Seniors program. Our federal grant requires us to report on the number of volunteers serving, how many hours you serve, and how you support our local community. By reporting your hours every month, you help make RSVP possible!
How do I get my mileage reimbursed?
RSVP is able to provide a modest mileage reimbursement for the miles volunteers drive between their homes and where they volunteer.
To begin receiving mileage reimbursement, download and complete the RSVP Mileage Reimbursement Form available on the right side of this page (if you are on a computer) or lower on this page (if you are on a phone.)
You and your supervisor will need to sign the form.
Mail or email your completed form to Sandra Mongeon at RSVP on a monthly basis. Reimbursements are mailed out quarterly.