Community Resources & Advocacy - SNAP Help
How Can We Help With SNAP?
Screening to see if you might be eligible for SNAP.
Filling out SNAP applications and recertification forms.
Understanding how the SNAP program works.
Reporting information to the SNAP program.
Figuring out problems related to the SNAP program.
Reviewing your situation to make sure you are getting the highest monthly SNAP amount you are eligible for.
What Is the First Step to Get Help with SNAP?
- Call us at 413-475-1570 and, please leave us a message with your
- Name
- Phone number
- Town where you live
- What kind of help you need
- A good time to call back between Monday and Friday, from 9-4pm.
- You can also fill out our contact form .
When Will I Hear Back From You?
You will hear from us by email or phone within three business days. Most people are contacted within 24 hours.
If you leave a phone message, please make sure your voicemail is working. We may return your call from a different number, so be ready to pick up a call from an unfamiliar number!
What Information Will I Need?
Our Resource Advocates will ask you the following questions so that they can find out what programs you qualify for:
Who do you live with and who do you purchase and prepare food with?
How much money does your household have for income each month?
What are the ages of your family members?
Are any of your household members disabled?
Do you pay for housing or utilities?
Do you pay for rent or mortgage?
Do you pay for childcare?
How much do you pay in medical expenses each month if a household member is age 60+ or disabled?
This is called pre-screening and will help us determine if you might qualify for the SNAP program. Resource Advocates will also tell you about other programs that might be helpful to you.
What Else Should I Expect When Working With The Community Resources & Advocacy Team
Resource Advocates will be helpful, friendly, and non-judgmental. They will listen to you and respond to your concerns.
If you might be eligible for SNAP:
- A Resource Advocate will offer you the choice between an appointment in-person or over the phone.
- During the appointment, they will help you with an application or work on the problem you have with SNAP. We will do our best to help you provide the documents that DTA needs.
- In Massachusetts, the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) will process your SNAP application that our Resource Advocate submits for you.
- DTA will decide if you can get SNAP.
What Documents Will I Need to Apply For SNAP?
A Resource Advocate will tell you exactly what information you need to apply for SNAP. Here are some of the most common documents people need when they apply:
Proof of identity (driver’s license, passport, state ID)
Proof of Massachusetts address if you have one (a bill, a real estate tax bill, a lease or driver’s license)
If you are houseless, you will need a Massachusetts address where you can get mail.
Proof of income for the last 4 weeks (pay stub, letter from employer, letter from a government office)
Social Security numbers for all members of your household that have one.
Dates of birth for everyone in the household
Additional information as needed.
We return calls on this Info & Referral phone line between 9-12 and 1 -4 pm, Monday through Friday.
Our program serves Hampshire and Franklin Counties and the North Quabbin Region of Massachusetts.
393 Main St, Greenfield
155 Pleasant St, Suite 1, Northampton
Office hours vary.
Appointments are scheduled during the intake and screening process.